Actions List

Adds ASINs as Targets from existing campaign to new campaign f0r same product or values

Add Campaign to Portfolio

Add Definition Tag

Add Keywords

Add Keywords to Campaign Negative Keywords

Add Keywords to Negative Keywords

Add or replace Product Ads to independent Campaigns

Add Performance Tag

Add Portfolio

Add Targeting to Campaign Negative Targeting


Convert Search Term Asins to Negative Targeting

Adds search terms to targets

Adds search terms to ad group campaign negative keywords

Adds search terms to ad group campaign negative keywords targets

Adds search terms to keywords

Adds search terms to ad group negative keywords

Create Auto Campaign

Will add new keywords and archive the source



Will add and archive products to match the template

Remove Campaign from Portfolio

Remove Definition Tag

Remove Entity Exclusion

Remove Performance Tag

Rename Campaign

Restructure Campaign Action


Set Entity Exclusion

Set Target ACOS to Campaigns

Update Bid

Update Campaign Bidding Strategy

Update Campaign Daily Budget

Update Campaign End Date

Update Campaign Placement

Updates portfolios name, budget and dates